Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Post Fashion Week= MARKET

So after all of the fun of Fashion Week dies down MARKET begins. What is Market? For the Sales department of a fashion corporation, Market is the week after all of the fashion shows are over and the collections have been shown to the world where a schedule is made up of appointment, after appointment, with buyers of stores to show the collection in a more up close and personal environment. For fashion interns, like myself and my roommate Kristin, Market means being stuck in a closet with the dimension of 5' by 6'.

Here are the pictures to prove it.

That is Kristin and I stuck in our little closet. We did this for 4 days! 4 DAYS PEOPLE. During the appointments, the sales directors give us looks of clothing from the showroom that we have to dress the model with in a certain order. On a good day, there are 3 appointments at a time, each wanting to see different looks. So including the model, that makes 3 people stuck in this closet with clothes being thrown all over the place.

If you want to work in the fashion industry you have to start somewhere, and for me and Kristin, that somewhere is this closet.

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